New software solution to make big splash in global shipping…

Latest international shipping decree that could catapult an unknown company’s product to the forefront of a global industry!

It stands to reason that if a company has a product that everybody wants, then demand for that product will soar through the roof…

A cursory glance at Apple is proof of that.

Their colossal potential centre’s on the fact that they have a item almost everybody wants to own…

Now I’m not saying the product I’m about to reveal is on the scale of Apple, let’s not be naive…

But imagine a company that produces a product which almost everyone in a particular industry HAS to have in order to continue trading in the future?

It would make for very exciting news for every profit seeker out there, wouldn’t it..?

Particularly if the company is all but unknown!

Well I may just have found such a company.

Occasionally a government regulation or initiative comes into effect that will alter an industry’s future trajectory.

Take Thatcher’s deregulation of the UK’s financial markets, or her privatisation of state owned assets such as gas, water and electricity.

These initiatives blew apart the very nature of how these businesses were ran and paved the way for soaring profits and boom times.

Now, in terms of the shipping industry we could be on the cusp of something very similar.

Back in 2002 the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) decreed that all large vessels should carry an Automatic Identification System (AIS) to help combat terrorism and piracy.

Soon almost every ship will be forced to install this communications equipment which can track a vessel’s position in real time anywhere in the world.

This means…

In the EU alone 40,000 fishing vessels must have AIS by 2014.

In India 300,000 vessels must be fitted with the device within five years.

And of course there’s the little matter of the USA, where there are over 9m registered boats!

Now consider the future prospects…

With all new ships required to carry this technology - imagine the potential for future growth!?

AND the best bit of news for my fellow profit seekers is that a tiny and virtually unknown company could hold the key to this astonishing emerging market.

Why does this unknown company hold the key?

Well, in order that ships and coastguards could communicate with each other, the IMO set common technological standards.

By becoming the first to devise the solution and produce a key component used in all AISs, this company has found itself in the top spot and ready to reap the lucrative benefits of this emerging market.

And its future potential may be phenomenal with very little doubt that it should soon be making a profit very comfortably into seven figures.

This really could be the single biggest opportunity you ever take part in.

Hooked? because you seriously should be…

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