Fight for survival (click here for weblink)

WHIPSNADE Zoo is mark­ing the Chinese year of the tiger with a mes­sage that the future of the endangered anim­als should not be left to chance.

Through­out the year the wild animal park’s Siberian tigers, Mick­all and Ana­stasia, will have their usual playthings replaced with giant col­oured dice by keep­ers to mark the occa­sion and act now to load the dice to pre­vent their extinction.
Mick­all the Siberian tiger with her toy dice
Siobhan Sellwood-Brown, Asia keeper at the zoo, said: “The tigers love some­thing new to invest­ig­ate, the dice rep­res­ent gambling and a reminder that their sur­vival must not be left to chance.”

Since the last Chinese year of the tiger, 12 years ago, the global pop­u­la­tion of the wild cats has almost halved, leav­ing less than 3,200 in the wild.

Sarah Christie, con­ser­va­tion pro­gramme man­ager at Whipsnade Zoo said: “This is a bit of fun for our zoo tigers, but there is a ser­i­ous mes­sage that we must improve the chance of tigers’ long-term survival.”

Whipsnade Zoo under­takes tiger con­ser­va­tion work around the world, and is part of the 21st cen­tury tiger part­ner­ship sup­port­ing fur­ther con­ser­va­tion projects.

The con­ser­va­tion of wild anim­als and their nat­ural hab­it­ats is fun­da­mental to their mis­sion and they work through­out the world with gov­ern­ments, civil soci­ety and the private sec­tor to pro­tect spe­cies and habitats.

The wild­life park’s pro­grammes include breed­ing and re-introduction, busi­ness and biod­iversity and mar­ine and fresh­wa­ter con­ser­va­tion in the UK and overseas.