Live Sushi


Live Sushi

Contrary to popular belief, Sushi (すし, 寿司, ) is not just raw fish. Instead most of the time the fish has been prepared in some fashion, either pickled, blanched or soaked in Sake and frozen.  It can also contain vegetables or tropical fruits. It is however, always accompanied with rice.

Recently a particularly vile practice came to my attention from a heartbroken member of the public.

The practice is called Live Sushi (ikizukuri), and it involves eating an animal with the absolute prerequisite that it must be LIVING when the diner sits down at the table...

Surely few things can be more barbaric than tearing the intestines from an animal whist its heart is still beating, its eyes moving and blood coursing through its body. Whatever dignity it had in life is snatched away by such inhuman action from one living creature to another.

If an animal must be eaten, a quick, painless death should be afforded.

Below is my response:

Thank you very much for your recent email, I too share your disgust at the vile, painful and wholly sickening practice of Live Sushi.

IFAW is opposed to the inherently cruel and unnecessary killing of these animals under the banner of a ‘food delicacy’.

As heart breaking as it is, IFAW is unfortunately unable to respond to all animal cruelty situations. Our efforts in Japan are focused on commercial and scientific whaling and we are engaged in high-level lobbying to help persuade Japanese decision-makers to protect their marine life instead of commercially exploiting them. 

We also send teams of experts each year to the International Whaling Commission (IWC), where we work to limit Japan’s pro-hunting influence and urge for greater protection of cetaceans.

Despite us at IFAW not being directly involved in ending this awful form of 'food', I have found two petitions that can be signed to help end the cruel practice of 'Live Sushi'.

I urge you to sign it and to pass it on to as many people as you can...

I hope this has gone some way in answering your query and thank you very much for your concern and for taking the time to write to us. 

With best wishes


Information Officer